January 13, 2009


Viva Radio

So, I got offered a gig managing the California Select program for American Apparel's Viva Radio. While this is a really great opportunity that I'm super-duper-uber pumped about, it unfortunately means an untimely end to my 52 week/52 mixes project. Whatevs, 40 is a nice round number and it was fun while it lasted but I have a much larger audience now and I need to concentrate on this shit.

My first playlist hasn't been scheduled yet, but I'll be sure to mention when it does. Until then, give a listen to the shows already posted by other people. They're real good.

This also means I won't be blogging for a little while, since I'm also trying to put together the third issue of my zine.

Therefore, goodbye. For now.


frances said...

reynard im so excitd for you! i love the california select station :]

Jason Y. said...

congrats, sir

will be listening.